Code of Conduct for Students
The following are the acts and misconduct which amount to forbidden practices:
- 1. Absence from classes without the permission of the teacher.
- 2. Misbehaviour towards teachers or any other employee of the school.
- 3. Disobeying lawful orders of the teacher /Principal.
- 4. Intentional disturbance of classes.
- 5. Bullying/Rowdyism and rude behaviour.
- 6. Eve-teasing/misbehaviour toward girl-students.
- 7. Bringing unauthorized people/articles inside the school.
- 8. Bringing electronic gazette / mobile phones in the school.
- 9. Indulging in acts of moral turpitude.
- 10. Any behaviour unbecoming of a student.
- 11. Use of motor vehicle like scooty / moped etc. by the student and bringing these in the school.
- 12. Use of drugs or intoxicant (except on prescription by a registered Medical Practitioner).
- 13. Any form of gambling.
- 14. Theft/pilferage of school/students' property.
- 15. Disfiguring or otherwise damaging any school property.
- 16. Spitting in or near the school building.
- 17. Use of violence in any form.
- 18. Casteism, communalism or practice of untouchability.
- 19. Disruption of classes.
- 20. Association with banned organizations.
All these above acts of misconduct are the forbidden practices. In the above acts of misconduct, Principal/HOS shall take suitable action depending upon gravity of misconduct, which may include:
- 1. Oral/written warning to the students and parents.
- 2. Detention during the break for Completion of neglected class work.
- 3. Suspension from attending classes/school for a specified period.
- 4. Recovery of loss through replacement to school property due to wilful damage.
- 5. Expulsion/rustication from school for students of classes IX to XII in rarest of rare cases.